Lucia Toledo

I was born in Philly and moved to Cheltenham (a wildly diverse suburb just outside of the city) when I was five. Philadelphia and my community have provided me with a constant source of inspiration, creativity, and artistic opportunities. Starting as an elementary student, and on through high school, I earned scholarships enabling me to take classes at Moore College of Art and Design, PAFA, and Tyler School of Art at Temple University. Since I was a toddler I’ve had a crayon, marker, or paintbrush in my hand. This passion for creativity has transcended from childhood love to my college career path. Graduating from Syracuse University in 2021 with a BFA in Communications Design, I have refined my skills in design thinking, problem-solving, group work, and professionalism. I thrive in a team environment and through years of class critiques, I have developed a thick skin and openness to alternate viewpoints. I specialize in illustration, art direction, and concept creation.